This anime goods was received from a bookstore and kept in a dark place, but I am now selling it because I am decluttering my anime goods.The poster was displayed in a bookstore and has been stored in a dark place.I do not recommend purchasing this poster if you are concerned about scratches or stains, or if you are looking for a high quality item.
Note: This anime poster has been displayed in a bookstore and has some scratches and stains.If you are looking for a complete set, we do not recommend purchasing this item.
spy×family 1st season poster
This anime goods was received from a bookstore and kept in a dark place, but I am now selling it because I am decluttering my anime goods.The poster was displayed in a bookstore and has been stored in a dark place.I do not recommend purchasing this poster if you are concerned about scratches or stains, or if you are looking for a high quality item.
Note: This anime poster has been displayed in a bookstore and has some scratches and stains.If you are looking for a complete set, we do not recommend purchasing this item.
#Anime Poster